Thursday, April 19, 2012

Full Video Representation

3) Although i didnt watch this whole video, i did watch a lot of it. This talks about the global warming crisis and he explores simple yet complex questions about it. Is it real? Are we causing it? How do you prove it? He does all of this in this hour long true documentary about it. He starts in the 1970's and works up to 2000's. He proves all of these points and gives a large amount of information and proof. This is a very good video! He describes how this should really be called, global climate change, instead of just global warming. Its very factual in that it provides different examples. Its not bias, and is strictly factual. It provides facts from both sides of the argument. I will use this strictly for facts presenting my issue and presenting the other side. It will be for the more broad topic.

"Earth: The Climate Wars." Top Documentary Films. Web. 05 Apr. 2012. <>

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