Wednesday, May 2, 2012


                My beliefs really haven’t changed since I started this topic. When I started I was for the saving of the polar bear population and I was against pollution. However, now that I have studied this topic in heavy detail, I can now back up my ideas more. This way I can help protect them outside of this project. The reason I chose this was because we had talked a lot about it in my Environmental Science class.
                I feel that this project has increased my knowledge a lot. I enjoy being able to tell others about my project and feeling very successful in completing the whole thing. Polar Bear population has become an issue I like to address on a personal level. I like to use the knowledge I have gained to persuade people to my side, as well as answer their questions and argue my points.
                I feel that this project has further prepared me for college and other post-secondary learning. I am very prepared for things to come. I feel that all of this work, from doing annotations, to typing a 3 page essay has increased my knowledge and prepared me for future English classes to come.
                Well from the start of public schooling they have tried to prepare me for post-secondary schooling. They all say the same thing, about taking notes all the time, study all the time, and other stuff like that. I feel like it’s just become general knowledge, but this project has given me hands on experience of the things to come. I have no idea why they didn’t make me do anything like this before but, it’s kind of weird that they waited until the last minute.
                I really like taking on the responsibility of teaching myself. They gave us all of the options in the world. We basically made the project ourselves. This benefitted everyone because we got to learn about something important to us, instead of something the school district feels is important. Now, I’m not hating on the school district, but what they think is a good book, or a good project, is NOT what a high school student thinks is important at the time. I feel like they should get more options like this project.
                The aspects of this project that seemed most difficult would probably be the 3 page essay. The only reason this was so hard was because in all of my high school years my largest paper was 2.5 pages… 3 pages is a lot to a current high school student. I think that they should better prepare kids for larger papers because in college a 3 page essay is small. Even double spacing it was hard.
                I liked everything about this project! I did really well on the first part of the project getting everything done on time or ahead of time and worked really hard on everything I did. The second part I feel was rushed. The due dates were a lot closer together for such a lot of work and I just feel like I was rushed on everything I did. My essay I cut short because I didn’t have enough time to work on it and this I had to do only in study hall because I needed class time to work on my creative text portion. I designed a collage and now have to type a page about it. I still have no idea how I am supposed to type a whole page about a single collage.

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