Thursday, March 29, 2012

3 video representations

1) This video talks about how polution isnt only depleting the ozone. Pollution, and other toxic chemicals are being caught in the air steams and taken north. The chemicals then drop out of the air and seep into the ice. Researchers are now testing the chemical content in female polar bears. The chemical levels are so high that they are decreasing their fertility and is in the milk served to the cubs as well. This article is bias against pollution and for saving the polar bear population. I will use this for my whole topic about pollution and polar bears.

"Polar Bears Victims of Europe's Pollution." YouTube. YouTube, 06 Mar. 2008. Web. 05 Apr. 2012. <>

2)This video is about plastics. Dianna Cohen chats about how bad plastics really are. She talks about how she is starting to actually melt plastics to form bricks which are actually really strong and is using them in building things. She was really against using plastics and plastic bags. She talks about how we could change this by just using different packaging or bags. They are also going out in the pacific ocean and collecting all the plastics from the ocean and believe it or not, thats where they get the majority of there material. This is bias against plastic polution and only gives her view, however it is very factual. I will use this for mainly the pollution perspective of my project, not as much the polar bear part.
"Dianna Cohen: Tough Truths about Plastic Pollution." TED: Ideas worth Spreading. Web. 05 Apr. 2012. <>

3)This video is a very humorus interpretation between global warming and polar bear population. It shows a guy trying to kill a polar bear like any way possible until he realizes the easies way to kill one is through just pollution. He calls his friends to turn on their lights and drive everywhere and stuff to polute a ton. eventually he kills the polar bear. Not even thinking about it everything we do indirectly decreases their population. I will use this mainly for an introduction video to my project. It doesnt include any facts or information, it just gives a representation. This isnt really bias either. Its just a cartoon representation.

BOXCreativeAnimation. "Global Warming:How to Kill a Polar Bear." YouTube. YouTube, 24 Sept. 2008. Web. 19 Apr. 2012.

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