Friday, March 30, 2012

Book Citations

Pollution, Treating Environmental Toxins

-- Maczulak, Anne E. Pollution: Treating Environmental Toxins. New York: Facts on File, 2010. Print.

The Lorax

--Seuss. The Lorax. New York: Random House, 1971. Print.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

3 video representations

1) This video talks about how polution isnt only depleting the ozone. Pollution, and other toxic chemicals are being caught in the air steams and taken north. The chemicals then drop out of the air and seep into the ice. Researchers are now testing the chemical content in female polar bears. The chemical levels are so high that they are decreasing their fertility and is in the milk served to the cubs as well. This article is bias against pollution and for saving the polar bear population. I will use this for my whole topic about pollution and polar bears.

"Polar Bears Victims of Europe's Pollution." YouTube. YouTube, 06 Mar. 2008. Web. 05 Apr. 2012. <>

2)This video is about plastics. Dianna Cohen chats about how bad plastics really are. She talks about how she is starting to actually melt plastics to form bricks which are actually really strong and is using them in building things. She was really against using plastics and plastic bags. She talks about how we could change this by just using different packaging or bags. They are also going out in the pacific ocean and collecting all the plastics from the ocean and believe it or not, thats where they get the majority of there material. This is bias against plastic polution and only gives her view, however it is very factual. I will use this for mainly the pollution perspective of my project, not as much the polar bear part.
"Dianna Cohen: Tough Truths about Plastic Pollution." TED: Ideas worth Spreading. Web. 05 Apr. 2012. <>

3)This video is a very humorus interpretation between global warming and polar bear population. It shows a guy trying to kill a polar bear like any way possible until he realizes the easies way to kill one is through just pollution. He calls his friends to turn on their lights and drive everywhere and stuff to polute a ton. eventually he kills the polar bear. Not even thinking about it everything we do indirectly decreases their population. I will use this mainly for an introduction video to my project. It doesnt include any facts or information, it just gives a representation. This isnt really bias either. Its just a cartoon representation.

BOXCreativeAnimation. "Global Warming:How to Kill a Polar Bear." YouTube. YouTube, 24 Sept. 2008. Web. 19 Apr. 2012.


I believe that polar bear population is directly correlated to global warming and polution and I believe we should do something about it.


1) Pell, J. (2000). Polution is Personal. Innovation: The Health Letter Of FAIM, 12.

This article is about a guy who had gotten sick from different issues that just built up to him almost dying in a hospital. He first gets sick from murcury in the water, and in some fish that he had caught and ate out of a local lake. He talks about how everyone knows that pollution clogs the air, dirties the water, and causes cancer but than goes into a much deeper talk about what pollution can actually do to your health.

I could use this article for the much more broad topic of global warming and pollution. This doesnt directly relate to my more narrow topic of Polar Bear Extinction, but makes alot of good points. Its also bias against pollution, and certain things that cause it.

2) Spivey, A. (2001). Polution 101. Environmental Health Perspectives, 109(12), A578.

This article is about how some colleges are having to pay fines for there recycling and waste management and things. It gives good information about the current regulations and laws about waste management in schools. However it doesnt talk much about global warming or pollution. It would help most on the broad topic about global warming and polution.

I will definately use this to cover the area about covering rules and reglulations. This doesnt talk about the polarbear population at all but it does cover a lot of the rules and regulations about my topics.

3)  Sherblom, S. (2007). Global warming in schools: relational approaches to improving school climate. Journal Of Moral Education, 36(2), 251-255. doi:10.1080/03057240701325407

This article is about teaching children in there schools about global warming and the cost benefit analysis of doing so. They say in this article that teaching children about it will better prepare them for the future world. If they recycle and take care of the earth now this will better there future of the world. Preventing global warming at such an early stage of life benefits everything. This article concentrates more on education and cost more than anything though.

I will use this article in talking about schooling. This will be a good article to use, however it seems to be more bias about teaching global warming in schools to prevent it in the future. If i had to take a guess these people would be against sand mining considering the way the talk about it.

4) Kump, L. R. (2011). THE Last Great Global Warming. Scientific American, 305(1), 56

This whole article is about global warming and how it is affecting the polar bear population. It talks about different scenarios and whats actually happening to them. It opens by talking about how a lot of people come to zoo's to see the polar bears and other exotic creatures and how they werent so exotic and rare at one time. This article is bias against polution for supporting the bears.

I will use this article for my narrow topic which is polar bear population. I was very happy to find such a good article about my topic. I will also use it to describe the different types of polution and how it can effect us all.

5)Pringle, R. M. (2005). Such Low Temperatures in the Arctic Region: How Can the Polar Bears Call It Home?. Science Activities: Classroom Projects And Curriculum Ideas, 41(4), 29-32

This article directly relates to my topic! This was by far the best article I found. It talks about global warming, polution and how it directly correlates with the polar bear population. It talks about there habitat, the ozone layer, their cubs, how they are having to adjust and swim more often. It gives the history and background of the creatures and other creatures being affected by global warming as well.

I will use this article mainly for my narrow topic! Its kinda bias but not really, it just states the facts and gives there sources. This will be my main article I will use for the project.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Article 1:

Pell, J. (2000). Polution is Personal. Innovation: The Health Letter Of FAIM, 12.

Article 2:

Spivey, A. (2001). Polution 101. Environmental Health Perspectives, 109(12), A578.

Article 3:

Sherblom, S. (2007). Global warming in schools: relational approaches to improving school climate. Journal Of Moral Education, 36(2), 251-255. doi:10.1080/03057240701325407

Article 4:

Kump, L. R. (2011). THE Last Great Global Warming. Scientific American, 305(1), 56

Article 5:

Pringle, R. M. (2005). Such Low Temperatures in the Arctic Region: How Can the Polar Bears Call It Home?. Science Activities: Classroom Projects And Curriculum Ideas, 41(4), 29-32.

Thursday, March 8, 2012



What Problem is this topic addressing?
-Global Warming
-Sand mining in Wisconsin
-Run Off

Introduction to your topic
-I will be reasearching pros and cons of frac mining and other issues
-I will look at the much broader topic of Polution and how it all affects Global Warming

Importance of your topic
-Frac mining is a huge topic in wisconsin right now
-Global Warming is a huge part of everyones lives
-Polution causes Global Warming

Why you chose this topic
-I chose this topic because i know alot about run off and frac mining
-It became an important issue to me when i took Environmental Science this year and studied alot about all of this stuff

Those affected by your topic
-The people who may be opposed to it could be large business'
-People who need a job
-Coal companies and other companies with high polution rates

Resource Ideas
-I have a book and a couple documentaries i know of concerning all of this
-I have been educated a lot about these topics