Thursday, March 8, 2012



What Problem is this topic addressing?
-Global Warming
-Sand mining in Wisconsin
-Run Off

Introduction to your topic
-I will be reasearching pros and cons of frac mining and other issues
-I will look at the much broader topic of Polution and how it all affects Global Warming

Importance of your topic
-Frac mining is a huge topic in wisconsin right now
-Global Warming is a huge part of everyones lives
-Polution causes Global Warming

Why you chose this topic
-I chose this topic because i know alot about run off and frac mining
-It became an important issue to me when i took Environmental Science this year and studied alot about all of this stuff

Those affected by your topic
-The people who may be opposed to it could be large business'
-People who need a job
-Coal companies and other companies with high polution rates

Resource Ideas
-I have a book and a couple documentaries i know of concerning all of this
-I have been educated a lot about these topics

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